Feed your faith and your Fears will starve to death
We do not know how strong we are until being strong is the only choice we have ..We are assigned this mountain to show others it can be...

How Tobacco causes genetic changes:Study
* It's a known fact that tobacco causes cancer. But there are few researches across the globe to explain this link a gap that has been...

Beauty Beyond Cancer
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference…There is a ‘can’ in CANCER because we CAN beat it…. Grameen Sneh Foundation...

Brain tumors-A Brief on Types
➤Brain tumors can be classified into two general groups: primary and secondary ➤Tumors that originate within brain tissue are known as...

Smiling is the Key to success
When life gives you 100 reasons to cry, Show Life that you have 1000 REASONS TO SMILE .... Keep Smiling :)

Cancer Warriors at Beauty Beyond Cancer
We have been assigned these mountains to show that it can be moved..We are HAUSLA..We will inspire whole World.. Cancer warriors at...

Cancer Warriors - HAUSLA Support Group
We are too positive to be doubtful,too optimistic to be fearful and too determined to be defeated..WE ARE CONQUERORS .. Cancer Warriors...

Making changes for a healthy weight
For Making changes for a healthy weight following points shall be considered.. ✎ Avoid sugary drinks. Fill your plate with a variety of...

Body Fat can increase cancer risk
Too much body fat can increase cancer risk in several ways: ✎ Fat cells produce estrogen, and high levels of estrogen links to risk of...

Cancer may strike due to bad luck, not lifestyle
* Why does cancer strike some people and not others? New research shows that random changes or 'mistakes' in DNA when cells are dividing...